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   Preprints of all the publications available at

Archivial Journals
  1. Tirelli, I., Mendez, M.A., Ianiro, A., Discetti, S., A meshless method to compute the proper orthogonal decomposition and its variants from scattered data, The Royal Society, Proceedings A  

  2. Fiore, M., Saccaggi, E., Koloszar, L., Bartosiewicz, Y., Mendez, M. A. (2025), Data-Driven turbulent heat flux modeling with inputs of multiple fidelity, Physical Review Fluids. 

  3. Pino, F., Scheid, B. & Mendez, M.A (2025). Multi-objective optimization of the magnetic wiping process in dip-coating. J Eng Math 150, 20 . arxiv at

  4. Van den Berghe, J. Mendez, M. A., Bartosiewicz, Y. (2024), An extension of the compound flow theory with friction between the streams and at the wall, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1000, A85,, arxiv at 

  5. Pino, F., Mendez, M.A., Scheid, B. (2024) Linear stability analysis of a vertical liquid film over a moving substrate, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2024;1000:A57. doi:10.1017/jfm.2024.940 

  6. Pino, F., Mendez, M.A., Scheid, B. (2024), Absolute and convective instabilities in a liquid film over a substrate moving against gravity , Physical Review Fluids, Vol 9, 104002, Arxiv at  arXiv:2312.14613 

  7. Kyriakidis, L., Mendez, M.A., Bahr, M. (2024), A Hybrid algorithm based on Bayesian Optimization and Interior Point OPTimizer for Optimal Operation of Energy Conversion Systems, Energy, Vol 312, 133416.  

  8. Gligor, D., Marques, P.A., Sanchez, P. S., Porter, J, Mendez, M.A., Ezquerro, J.M, Experiments on sloshing mitigation using tuned oscillating baffles, Physics of Fluids 36, 092122 

  9. Fiorini, D., Simonini, A., Steelant, J., Seveno, D., Mendez, M.A., An Experimental Characterization of Capillary Driven Flows in Microgravity Sci. Technol. 36, 61 (2024). 

  10. Poletti, R., Schena, L, Ninni, D., Mendez, M. A. (2024) MODULO: a python toolbox for data-driven modal decomposition, submitted to Journal of Open-Source Software 9(102), 6753, 

  11. Poletti, R., Calado, A., Kolosza, L., Degroote, J., Mendez, M. A. (2024), On the unsteady aerodynamics of flapping wings under dynamic hovering kinematics, Physics of Fluids 36, 081901,, arxiv at  

  12. Ratz, M., Mendez, M. A. (2024), A Meshless and binless approach to compute statistics in 3D Ensemble PTV, Experiments in Fluids. arvix at 

  13. Schena, L., Marques, P., Poletti, R., Ahizi, S., van den Berghe, J., Mendez, M.A (2023-2024), Reinforcement Twinning: from digital twins to model-based reinforcement learning. arxiv at Journal of Computational Science, Vol 82, 102421, October 2024.  

  14. Marques, P., Ahizi, S., Mendez, M.A (2023), Real-time data assimilation for the thermodynamic modelling of cryogenic storage tanks, arxiv at Energy, Vol 302, September 2024, 131739  

  15. Gligor, D., Peromingo, C., Salgado Sanchez, P., Porter, J., Mendez, M.A., Sloshing mitigation in microgravity with moving baffles, Acta Astronautica, Vol 219, June 2024, 639-652,   

  16. Sperotto, P., Ratz, M., Mendez, M.A (2024), SPICY: a Python toolbox for meshless assimilation from image velocimetry using radial basis functions, Journal of Open-Source Software 9(93), 5749, (open access) 

  17. Fiorini, D., Simonini, A., Steelant, J., Seveno, D., Mendez M.A (2023), Dynamic Wetting experiments with nitrogen in a quasi-capillary tube, Physical Review Fluids vol 8, is 12- December 2023, arxiv at 

  18. Barreiro-Villaverde, Gosset, A., Lema, M., Mendez, M.A., On the coupling instability of a gas jet impinging on a liquid film. Arixv at, Submitted to the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 

  19. Barreiro- Villaverde, D., Gosset, A., Mendez, M. A. (2023), Damping of three-dimensional waves on coating films dragged by moving substrates, Physics of Fluids 35,072110,, preprint at 

  20. Ivanova, T., Pino, F., Scheid, B., Mendez, M. A. (2023), Evolution of waves in liquid films on moving substrates, Physics of Fluids 35, 013609, Arxiv at 

  21. Fiorini, D., Carbonelle, L., Simonini, A., Steelant, J., Seveno, D., Mendez, M.A., (2023), Characterization of a Capillary driven flow in microgravity by means of optical techniques, Multiphase Science and Technology 35(3), pp 55-66, 10.1615/MultScienTechn.2023047919 

  22. Marques, P. Simonini, A., Peveroni, L., Mendez, M.A. (2022), Experimental analysis of heat and mass transfer in non-isothermal sloshing using a model-based inverse method,  Applied Thermal Engineering Vol 23, 120871. . Arxiv at arXiv:2212.12246   

  23. Calado, A., Poletti, R., Koloszar, L. K., Mendez, M.A. (2022), A Robust Data-Driven Model for Flapping Aerodynamics under different hovering kinematics, Physics of Fluids, 35, 047122 (2023) Arxiv at 

  24. Pino, F., Schena, L., Rabault, J., Mendez, M.A. (2022), Comparative analysis of machine learning methods for active flow control, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 958, A39. doi:10.1017/jfm.2023.76.  Arxiv at 

  25. Gkimisis, L., Barros Dias, B. R., Scoggins, J. B., Magin, T., Mendez, M.A., Turchi, A., Data-driven modeling of stagnation-line flow with heat and mass transfer in hypersonic reentry, AIAA Journal, Vol 61(8), p.3269-3286. Arxiv at 

  26. Mendez, F., Mendez, M.A., Sciarra, N., Pasculli, A., (2022) Multiobjective analysis of the Sand Hypoplasticity model calibration,  Acta Geotech. (2024). Arvix at arXiv:2303.07234  

  27. Van den Berghe, J., Barros Dias, B. R., , Bartosiewicz, Y., Mendez, M.A. (2022), A 1D Model for the Unsteady Gas Dynamics of Ejectors, Energy.    Arxiv at 

  28. Mendez, M.A., Linear and nonlinear dimensionality reduction from fluid mechanics to machine learning (2023), Measurement Science and Technology, vol 34 (4), 10.1088/1361-6501/acaffe. Arxiv at 

  29. Procaci, A., Kamal, M.M., Mendez, M.A., Hochgreb, S., Coussement, A., Parente, A., Multi-scale proper orthogonal decomposition analysis of instabilities in swirled and stratified flames, Physics of Fluids 32, 123103, 

  30. Fiore, M., Koloszar, L., Mendez, M.A., Duponcheel, M., Bartosiewicz, Y.,   Turbulent heat flux modeling in forced convection flows using artificial neural networks, Nuclear Engineering and Design 399(1):112005, 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2022.112005. 

  31. Fiorini, D, Mendez, M.A., Simonini, A., Steelant, J., Seveno,D., (2022) Effect of inertia on the dynamic contact angle in oscillating menisci, Physics of Fluids 32,102116, arxiv at 

  32. Ratz, M., Fiorini, D. Simonini, A., Cierpka, C. and Mendez, M. A. (2022), Analysis of an unsteady quasi-capillary channel flow with Time-Resolved PIV and RBF-based super-resolution, Journal of Coating Technology and Research, Arxiv at 

  33. Sperotto, P., Pieraccini S., Mendez, M.A. (2022) A Meshless method to measure pressure fields from Image Velocimetry, Measurement Science and Technology, 33, 094005, Arxiv at 

  34. Dominique, J., Van den Berghe, J., Schram, C., Mendez, M.A. (2022), Artificial Neural Networks Modeling of Wall Pressure Spectra Beneath Turbulent Boundary Layers, Physics of Fluids (34), Preprint at  arXiv:2201.03262 

  35. Fiore, M., Koloszar, L., Mendez, M.A., Duponcheel, M., Bartosiewicz, Y., Physics-constrained machine learning for thermal turbulence Modeling at low Prandtl numbers, Internationa Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 194, 122998; Arxiv at 

  36. Barreiro- Villaverde, D., Gosset, A., Mendez, M. A. (2021), On the dynamics of the jet wiping process: numerical simulations and modal analysis, Physics of Fluids 33, 062114,, preprint at arXiv:2103.16116 

  37. Balabane, M., Mendez, M.A., Nagem, S. (2021), Koopman Operator for Burgers’s equation, Physical Review Fluid, 6, 064401,, Preprint at arXiv:2007.01218v3 

  38. Mendez, F.J., Pasculli, A., Mendez, M.A. Sciarra, N (2021). Calibration of a hypoplastic model using genetic algorithms. Acta Geotech. 16, 2031–2047 (2021). 

  39. Ninni, D., Mendez, M. A (2020). MODULO: A software for Multiscale Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of data, Software X, 12, 100622. preprint at arXiv:2001.01971v2. 

  40. Mendez, M.A., Gosset, A., Scheid, B., Balabane, M., & Buchlin, J. (2021). Dynamics of the jet wiping process via integral models. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 911, A47. doi:10.1017/jfm.2020.107. preprint at arXiv:2004.13400 

  41. Esposito, C., Mendez, M. A., Steelant, J., Vetrano, M.R., Spectral and modal analysis of a cavitating flow through an orifice, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 121, 110251 (2021), 

  42. Mendez, M.A., Hess, D., Watz, B., Buchlin, J.-M. (2020). Multiscale Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (mPOD) of TR-PIV data- a Case Study on Stationary and Transient Cylinder Wake Flows, Measurement Science and Technology, 31 (9) 094014, preprint at 

  43. Dianfang B., Theunissen, R., Mendez, M.A., Wei, Y. (2020), Probabilistic evaluation of streamline topologies for the detection of preferential flow configurations in PIV applications, Exp in Fluids 61(13). 

  44. Mendez, M.A., Gosset, A., Buchlin, J. (2019). An Experimental Analysis of the Stability of the jet Wiping Process: Part II- Multiscale Modal Analysis of the Gas Jet-Liquid Film Interaction, Exp Therm Fluid Sci. 106:48-67 

  45. Gosset, A., Mendez, M.A., Buchlin, J. (2019). An Experimental Analysis of the Stability of the jet Wiping Process: Part I- Characterization of the Coating Uniformity, Exp Therm Fluid Sci, Vol 103: 51-65. 

  46. Mendez, M.A., Balabane, M., Buchlin, J.-M. (2019) Multi-Scale Modal Analysis of Complex Fluid Flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Journal of Fluid Mech 870:988-1036, doi:10.1017/jfm.2019.212, preprint at arXiv:1804.09646 

  47. Mendez, M.A., Enache, A., Gosset, A., Buchlin, J.-M. (2018) Experimental Characterization of the Jet Wiping Process, EPJ Web Conf., vol 180: 02064. 

  48. Mendez, M.A., Scelzo, M.T., Enache, A., Buchlin, J.-M. (2018) Fluidic Vectoring of a Planar Incompressible Jet Flow, EPJ Web Conf., Vol 180: 02065. 

  49. Mendez, M.A., Scelzo, M.T., Buchlin, J.-M. (2018) Multiscale modal analysis of an oscillating impinging gas jet, Exp. Therm Fluid Sci, Vol 91: 256_276. 

  50. Mendez, M.A., Scheid, B., Buchlin, J.-M. (2017) Low Kapitza Falling Liquid Films, Chem. Eng Sci, Vol 170: 122-138, 

  51. Mendez, M., Raiola, M., Masullo, A., Discetti, S., Ianiro,A., Theunissen,R., Buchlin, J.-M (2017) POD-based background removal for particle image velocimetry, Exp. Therm Fluid Sci, Vol 91: 181-192, 

  52. Mendez, M., Nemeth, L, Buchlin, J.-M. (2016) Measurement of Liquid Film Thickness via Light Absorption and Laser Tomography, EPJ Web Conf. Vol 144: 02072. 




  1. Poletti, R., Bombardi, E., Koloszar, L., Mendez, M.A., and Degroote, J. (2024), Characterisation and extension of a rigid body dynamics solver coupled with OpenFOAM® for flight performance analysis of flapping wing drones. Submitted to OpenFOAM journal.  

  2. Monteiro, F. , Marques, P., Simonini, A.,  Carbonelle, L., Mendez, M.A., Experimental Characterization of Non-Isothermal Sloshing in Microgravity, submitted to Exp Therm Fluid Sci 

  3. Kyriakidis, L, Bahr, M., Mendez, M.A. (2024), Enhanced Hybrid Algorithm based on Bayesian Optimization and Interior Point OPTimzer for Constrained Optimization, submitted to Optimization and Engineering 

  • Mendez, M.A. Mathematical Tools, Part I: Continuous and Discrete LTI Systems. (Chapter 5) in Machine Learning for Fluid Mechanics, VKI-LS. To be published in Data-Driven Fluid Mechanics: Combining First Principles and Machine Learning, Cambridge University Press. Edited by Mendez, M.A, Ianiro, A., Noack, B. Brunton, S.

  • Mendez, M.A. Generalized and Multiscale Data-Driven Modal Analysis. (Chapter 7) in Machine Learning for Fluid Mechanics, VKI-LS. To be published in Data-Driven Fluid Mechanics: Combining First Principles and Machine Learning, Cambridge University Press. Edited by Mendez, M.A, Ianiro, A., Noack, B. Brunton, S.

  • Mendez, M.A. Introduction to Measurement Systems. (Chapter 1) in Introduction to Measurement Techniques, VKI-LS. Edited by VKI Faculty

  • Mendez, M.A. Fundamentals of Image Processing and Quantitative Flow Visualization. (Chapter 8) in Introduction to Measurement Techniques, VKI-LS. Edited by VKI Faculty

  • Mendez, M.A. Introduction to Particle Image Velocimetry. (Chapter 10) in Introduction to Measurement Techniques, VKI-LS. Edited by VKI Faculty

  • Mendez, M.A., Fiore, M., Pino, F., Machine Learning for Fluid Mechanics- Challenges, Opportunities and Perspectives, in Optimization Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics, VKI-Ls, Edited by J. Périaux and T. Verstraete

VKI Technical Notes
  • Mendez, M.A., Gosset, A., Buchlin, J.-M. (2018) Integral Modeling of the Jet Wiping Process: Part 1, Introduction and Self-Similar Formulation, VKI Technical Note 217.

  • Mendez, M.A., Di Nardo, M., Benocci, C. (2017) Running FineOpen43 Simulations at VKI: A tutorial and a collection of scripts, VKI Technical Note 216

  • Mendez, M.A., B., Buchlin, J.-M. (2016). Notes on 2D Pulsatile Poiseuille Flows: an introduction to eigenfunction expansion and complex variables using Matlab, VKI Technical note 215.

Conference Proceeding
  1. Tirelli I., Mendez M.A, Ianiro A., Discetti S.: A combination of KNN-PTV and physics-constrained RBFs for super-resolution in image velocimetry. 15th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, June 19-21, 2023, San Diego, California, USA. 

  2. Tirelli I., Mendez M.A, Ianiro A., Discetti S.: A combination of KNN-PTV and physics-constrained RBFs for super-resolution in image velocimetry. 20th   International Symposium on Flow Visualization, July 9-13, 2023, Delft, the Netherlands. 

  3. Ratz M., Simonini A., Mendez M.A.: Physics-constrained and meshless data assimilation of three-dimensional particle tracking velocimetry. 20th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, July 9-13, 2023, Delft, the Netherlands. 

  4. Rigutto D., Buchlin J.-M., A., Mendez, M.A.: Experimental analysis of dynamic menisci in dip coating. 20th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, July 9-13, 2023, Delft, the Netherlands. 

  5. Rigutto D., Buchlin J.-M., A., Mendez, M.A.: Experimental analysis of dynamic menisci in dip coating. 15th European Coating Symposium, July 9-13, 2023, Paris, France. 

  6. Barreiro-Villaverde, D., Gosset, A., Lema, M., Mendez, M. A.: High and low fidelity models to understand the physics of air-knife coating. 15th European Coating Symposium, July 9-13, 2023, Paris, France. 

  7. Barreiro-Villaverde, B., Lema, M., Gosset, A., Mendez, M.A. (2023) Implementation of a solver to simulate industrial galvanization Proceedings of V XoveTIC Conference, XoveTIC 2022, A Coruña, Spain. 

  8. Van den Berghe, J., Delsipee, M., Planquart, P., Bartosiewicz, Y., Mendez, M. A. (2023) Calibration of a 1D ejector model from full-scale experiments, in 8th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC)

  9. Van den Berghe, J., Dias, B. R. B., Bartosiewicz, Y., Mendez, M. A. (2023) Unsteady 1D gas dynamics in ejectors: a pipeline analogy, in 22nd Computational Fluids Conference (CFC)

  10. Van den Berghe, J., Vemula, J. B., Bartosiewicz, Y., Mendez, M. A. (2023) A Machine Learning-based Calibration of a 1D ejector model from CFD, in 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS)

  11. Ahizi, S., Marques, P., Mendez, M. A. (2023). Modelling and Scaling Laws of cryogenic tank’s thermal response to sloshing, in 36th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS)

  12. D. Fiorini, L. Carbonnelle, A. Simonini, J. Steelant, D. Seveno and M. A. Mendez (2023). Characterization of a capillary-driven flow in microgravity by means of optical techniques. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF-2023)

  13. D. Fiorini, A. Gosset, J. Steelant, D. Seveno and M. A. Mendez (2023). On the capillary rise of low surface tension liquids in microgravity: numerical analysis and experiments. In 10th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences (EUCASS)

  14. Esposito, C. ; Mendez, M.A., Steelant, J., Vetrano, M.R.: Analyse modale multi-échelle pour l'identification des méchanismes clés charactérisant un écoulement cavitant. 17ème Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser, Septembre 12-16, 2022, Leuven, Belgium.

  15. Mendez, M. A.: La décomposition modale pour l'analyse de visualization d'écoulements. 17ème Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser, Septembre 12-16, 2022, Leuven, Belgium, M.R. Vetrano, ed., KU Leuven.

  16. Meneghella, D., Marques P., Mendez, M.A., Simonini, A., A.: Comparaison d'amortissement libre de liquides soumis à ballottement par la POD. 17ème Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser, Septembre 12-16, 2022, Leuven, Belgium.

  17. Ratz, M., Sachs, S., Mendez, M.A., Cierpka, C.: Radial basis function regression of Lagrangian three-dimensional particle tracking data. 20th International Symposium on Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, July 11-14, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.

  18. Sperotto, P., Pieraccini, S., Mendez, M.A.: A RANS approach to the meshless computation of pressure fields from image velocimetry, 20th International Symposium on Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, July 11-14, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.

  19. Pino, F., Scheid, B., Mendez, M.A.: Absolute/convective instability threshold in inverted falling film through linear stability analysis, 20th Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM), September, 11-17, Heraklion, Crete, Grece.

  20. Merhaben, C., Dias, B., Mendez, M.A., Turchi, A.: Determination of trajectory-based ground testing conditions for space-debris material by means of a data-driven approach. FAR 2022, 2nd International Conference on Flight Vehicles, Aerothermodynamics and Re-entry Missions and Engineering, June 19-23, 2022, Heilbronn, Germany.

  21. Fiorini, D., Mendez, M.A., Simonini, A., Seveno, D., Steelant, J.: Dynamic contact angle analysis using inverse methods. 10th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering, May 22-28, 2022, Malta.

  22. Mendez, M. A., Dominique, J., Fiore, M., Pino, F., Sperotto, P., and Berghe, J. Van Den  (2022), Challenges and Opportunities for Machine Learning in Fluid Mechanics In Proceedings of the 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH).

  23. L. Schena, E. Gillyns, W. Munters, S. Buckingham, M.A. Mendez, Wind Turbine Control using Machine Learning techniques, in: eccomas2022.

  24. L. Schena, E. Gillyns, W. Munters, S. Buckingham, M.A. Mendez, Wind Turbine Control using Machine Learning techniques, in: eccomas2022. URL

  25. Barreiro-Villaverde, D., Gosset, A.,  Mendez, M. A. and  Lema M. (2022), High fidelity simulations of the wiping of low viscosity liquid films In Proceedings of the 14th European Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC14).

  26. Barreiro-Villaverde, D., Gosset, A.,  Mendez, M. A. and  Lema M. (2022), Multiscale analysis of 3D VOF LES simulations of the jet wiping process In Proceedings of the 4th Iberian Meeting of OpenFoam Users (Foam@Iberia 2022).

  27. Barreiro-Villaverde, D., Gosset, A., Lema M., and Mendez, M. A. (2022), Implementation of a solver to simulate industrial galvanization In Proceedings of the 5th XoveTIC Conference.

  28. Barreiro-Villaverde, D., Gosset, A.,  Mendez, M. A. and  Lema M. (2022), On the jet wiping of high Kapitza liquid films In Proceedings of the 17th OpenFoam Workshop (OFW17).

  29. Barreiro-Villaverde, D., Gosset, A.,  Mendez, M. A. and  Lema M. (2022), High and low fidelity to investigate the instabilities in jet wiping In Proceedings of the 1st Spanish Fluid Mechanics Conference (SFMC22)

  30. D. Fiorini, L. Carbonnelle, A. Simonini, J. Steelant, D. Seveno, M. A. Mendez (2022), Capillary rise in Divergent U-Tube during parabolic flight. In proceedings of the 27th European Low Gravity Research Association Biennial Symposium and General Assembly (ELGRA)

  31. D. Fiorini, M.A. Mendez, A. Simonini, J. Steelant and D. Seveno (2022), On the impact of contact line acceleration in the spreading of perfect wetting fluids. In Proceedings of the 14th European Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC14).

  32. D. Fiorini, M.A. Mendez, A. Simonini, J. Steelant and D. Seveno (2022), Dynamic Wetting Experiment with Cryogenic Nitrogen. In Proceedings of Experimental Fluid Mechanics (EFM).

  33. F. Monteiro, P. Marques, A. Simonini, A. Silva, M. A. Mendez, "Non-Isothermal sloshing for space applications: from a ground-based experimental characterisation to microgravity conditions", In proceedings of the 27th European Low Gravity Research Association Biennial Symposium and General Assembly (ELGRA)

  34. Fiore, M., Koloszar, L., Mendez, M. A., Duponcheel, M., and Bartosiewicz, Y. (2022) Artificial Neural Networks for the Modeling of The Turbulent Heat Flux in Forced Convection Flows In Proceedings of the 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH)

  35. Fiore, M., Koloszar, L., Mendez, M. A., Duponcheel, M., and Bartosiewicz, Y (2021) A Physics-Oriented Data-Driven Approach to Thermal Turbulence Modelling, In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics

  36. Ratz, M., Fiorini, D., Simonini, A., Cierpka, C., and Mendez, M.A., Time-Resolved PIV of the Flow Field underneath an accelerating meniscus (2021) In Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry (ISPIV2021)

  37. Felis-Carrasco, F., Hess, D., Watz, BB., and Mendez, M.A (2021), Investigation on computed pressures from PIV, a study on how boundary definitions affect pressure accuracy In Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry (ISPIV202)

  38. Ivanova, T., Pino, F., and Mendez, M. A. (2021) On the downstream evolution of three-dimensional waves in liquid films over moving substrate, In European Coating Symposium (ECS2021), Sint Genesius Rode, Belgium 

  39. Barreiro, D., Gosset, A., and Mendez, M. A., On the undulation and the two-way coupled instability of the jet wiping Process, In European Coating Symposium (ECS2021), Sint Genesius Rode, Belgium 2021.

  40. Fiorini, D, Mendez, M.A., Simonini, A, Seveno, D. (2021) Transient dynamics of contact angles, In European Coating Symposium (ECS2021), Sint Genesius Rode, Belgium.

  41. Pino, F., Scheid, B., and Mendez, M.A., Modelling of magnetic wiping via integral models, In European Coating Symposium (ECS2021), Sint Genesius Rode, Belgium 2021

  42. Ratz, M., Fiorini, D., Simonini, A., Cierpka, C., Mendez, M.A., Dynamics of a quasi-capillary channel flow in accelerating conditions, In European Coating Symposium (ECS2021), Sint Genesius Rode, Belgium 2021

  43. Anfuso, E., Demange, S., Fagnani, A., Herrador, F. T, Mendez, M. A., and Chazot, O. (2021) Multiscale Modal Analysis of a Plasma Jet: Coherent Structures and their Observability, In AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM 2021

  44. Fiorini, D., Mendez, M.A, Simonini, A., Seveno, D., Steelant, J (2020), Dynamic contact angle analysis using inverse methods, 10th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering, Chieti, Italy, June 2021.

  45. Barreiro, V.D., Gosset, A., Mendez, M.A., Buchlin, J.-M (2019), Validation of High-Fidelity CFD Simulations of the Jet Wiping Process, European Coating Symposium 2019, Heidelberg, Germany, September 2019.

  46. Mendez, M.A., Gosset, A., Scheid, B., Buchlin, J.-M (2019), Integral Boundary Layer Simulations of the Jet Wiping Process, European Coating Symposium 2019, Heidelberg, Germany, September 2019.

  47. Mendez, M.A., Buchlin, J.-M, Multiscale Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (mPOD) of TR-PIV data: a Case Study on Transient Flows, 13th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, Munich, Germany, July 2018.

  48. Mendez, M.A., Buchlin, J.-M, Analyse du Procédé d' Essorage au Moyen de la Vélocimétrie par Image de Particules et la Technique d' Absorption de Lumiére, 16e Congrés Francophone de Techniques Laser (CFTL), Dourdan, France, September 2018.

  49. Mendez, M.A., Enache, A., Gosset, A., Buchlin, J.-M, Experimental Characterization of the Jet Wiping Process, Experimental Fluid Mechanics (EFM), Mikulov, Czech Republic, November 2017.

  50. Mendez, M.A., Scelzo, M.T., Enache, A., Buchlin, J.-M, Fluidic Vectoring of a Planar Incompressible Jet Flow, Experimental Fluid Mechanic (EFM), Mikulov, Czech Republic, November 2017.

  51. Gosset, A., Mendez, M.A., Buchlin, J.-M, Experimental Characterization of the Jet Wiping Instability, European Coating Symposium-ECS2017, Fribourg, Switzerland, November 2017.

  52. Mendez, M.A., Gosset, A., Myrillas, K., Buchlin, J.-M, Numerical Modal Analysis of the Jet Wiping Instability, European Coating Symposium (ECS), Fribourg, Switzerland, November 2017.

  53. Mendez, M.A., Balabane, M., Buchlin, J.-M, Multiscale Modal Analysis of Experimental and Numerical Data, (Keynote, Invited Talk), Experiments in Fluid Mechanics, Warsaw, Poland, October 2017.

  54. Mendez, M.A., Balabane, M., Buchlin, J.-M, Multi-Scale Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (mPOD), International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM), Thessaloniki, Greece, September 2017.

  55. Mendez, M.A., Scheid, B., Buchlin, J.-M, Low Kapitza Falling Liquid Films, 13-th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering (GLS), Bruxelles, Belgium, August 2017.

  56. Mendez, M.A., Raiola, M., Masullo, A., Discetti, S., Ianiro, A., Theunissen, R., Buchlin, J.-M.,  Prétraitement d'images PIV par Décomposition Aux Valeurs Propres, 15-th Congrés Francophone de Techniques Laser (CFTL), Toulouse, France, September 2016.

  57. Mendez, M.A., Buchlin, J.-M. Oscillation of a Planar Gas Jet impinging on a Deformable Wall, Symposium of VKI PhD Research, von Karman Institute, Bruxelles, 2016.

  58. Mendez, M.A., Buchlin, J.-M., Experimental characterization of 2D Traveling Waves in Low Kapitza Liquid film down a vertical wall, 24-th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Montreal, Canada, August 2016.

  59. Mendez, M.A., Nemeth, L., Buchlin, J.-M., Measurement of Liquid Films Thickness via Light Absorption and Laser Tomography, Experimental Fluid Mechanics-EFM2015, Prague, Czech Republic, November 2015.

  60. Mendez, M.A., Myrillas, K., Gosset, A., Buchlin, J.-M, A Research Methodology To Study Jet Wiping Processes, European Coating Symposium-ECS2015, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 2015.

  61. Mendez, M.A., Buchlin, J.-M., Quantitative flow visualization of confinement-driven instabilities of an impinging slot jet, 11th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry- PIV15, Santa Barbara, US, September 2015.

  62. Mendez, M.A., Buchlin, J.-M. Experimental Characterization of Straw Jets via Image Processing Techniques, 10th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing 2015-PSFVIP, Napoli, Italy, June 2015.

  63. Mendez, M.A., Buchlin, J.-M, Dynamics of Gas Jet Impingement on Vertical Falling Liquid Films, Symposium of VKI PhD Research, von Karman Institute, Bruxelles,  2015

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